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What are the operating hours?

Doctor is available between 09:30AM and 1:30PM and again between 04:30PM and 07:30PM. Doctor is unavailable between 1:30PM to 4:30PM, however, hospital, pharmacy and Opticals will be open during this time as well.  


How long have you been operating?

We are operating for 1.5 years now, and the doctor who is also an Eye Surgeon, handling multiple complex cataract surgeries, has more than 15 years of experience.


How much time does it take for an eye examination?

If you are coming to fix a vision problem, it may take around 45 minutes for a complete checkup. If you are visiting for a specific problem such as irritation, redness etc, you may be treated within 20-30 minutes based on the hour of the day. Please refer to hospital timings.


Is the hospital COVID-Safe?

Yes, we sanitize the premises every day.


Do I need an appointment?

Appointments are recommended, you can walk-in as well. Booking an appointment may see you spend less time at the hospital comparatively.


Am I charged for re-visits?

You can revisit for consultation up to 15 days from the date of a paid visit. 

Call and schedule an appointment today!

+91 95000 31903


H1, 10th Cross, Shanti Niketan, Old ASTC Hudco

Hosur - 635109

(Thangam Nursing Home Road far end)

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@2022 by Mira Eye Care Center

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